You were born worthy and have absolutely nothing to prove. The book is going to show you how to get back to creating the life you were meant to create. How are you feeling at this very moment in time? Tired? Stressed? Worried? If you feel so – your life is out of your control.
Maryna is a woman of many talents and proof that traditional rules are made to be broken. She marches to the beat of her own drum and has a natural ability to transfix you with her boldness, brightness, brains and beauty.
Founder and Life Coach for Eden Life Academy, Maryna made it her life purpose to help others embody their most confident selves. Through her studies in social work and psychology at the Hong Kong University, she found a new appreciation for the art of human connection and began looking back through her own life experiences to gain a new perspective.
It was important for her to understand what makes people happy, successful and creatively fulfilled. This insatiable quest on human potential prompted her to write her book Life Changing Thoughts.
Maryna is also a well-regarded style influencer whose curatorial approach to fashion, wellness and beauty has solidified her a spot as a reliable industry tastemaker. Once upon a time, she was known by her followers as rising fashion blogger, Tsarina Maryna, and has since become a role model for many.
She pairs her innate artistic expression andproclivity towards perfect aesthetic withthe expertise and know-how gained from her diversified experiences. In fact, she owes her passion for fine craftsmanship and detailing to her maternal grandmother who sewed beautiful dresses for Maryna, growing up.
Maryna believes her love for fashion, beauty and entrepreneurship stems from the women in her life. Her mother modeled attention to the details and nuances, while her grandmother’s hard work reminded her to seize any opportunity as it arises and make the most of it.
Bestselling Book In Hong Kong That Aim To Change Your Life
If you at least one time in your life gave up on your dreams – this book is for you. The book’s purpose is to help you understand all the secrets of the Law of Attraction. This is the book that you will need to attract more money, better relationships, love, the social life that you want, happiness and joy. Are you ready?
The Best Way To Enjoy All The Benefits Of Aromatherapy On The Go
Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Aroma diffuser is unique since it provides aromatherapy “on the go”. You can attach it to your mask, scarf, or other accessories. At the same time, it is practical and fashionable. In real-time, it kills bacteria around you, makes you feel fresh and energetic during the day.
Maryna, who I call my Guruji, is one of the greatest teacher I have, who has contributed a big part of the transformation of my life. I was a broken pieces when I met her, she deeply touched my soul. She showed me ways how to love myself, to love unconditionally, to live life to the fullest. And then I slowly picked myself up again through her teachings and guidance. I also gained confidence, and then joy flowed into my life. I am truly blessed to have her help and guidance . Please, if you feel that you are somehow low in life, meet Maryna!
I very rarely take time to post reviews. I don’t, usually because I don’t have time to go into an in depth analysis to back up why I did or didn’t find a book was valuable. I read approximately 10-15 new books per year and this is the best book I’ve read in the past year. I am still working to implement many different aspects, but it’s truly changing my life for the better.
Absolutely, it is a must-read for everyone that would like to be happier.
This book will change your life. Maryna’s ideas are quite revolutionary, as is the whole of positive psychology predicated as it is on using what we know about our brains to enable us to use them more effectively, before positive psychology came along, the psychological effort of humanity was focused on the negative side of our mental lives, exploring all of the things that could go wrong with the complex human mind. Mental Illness and psychology were basically synonyms, with the medical disciplines fetching when brains go wrong over applying it’s understandings in a more balanced, life-affirming way. Positive psychology restores that balance, acknowledging that there’s a lot we can do in weeding our own mental garden in a manner that means we live as happy a life as possible. In fact, the premise of Maryna’s wonderful book is that - happiness doesn’t follow success, it is the other way round. We are more likely to be successful when we are positive and happy - up to 30% more successful - because brains are in a positive state that is more imaginative, responsive and flexible.
I am amazed at how much I've changed with the help of Maryna! Reading her book was a real eye-opener. It has been extremely helpful in creating the life I'm aiming for. Of course, life is a journey and things take time, but taking the first step is the most important thing and I'm so glad that I found her to help me in this journey.
I am truly blessed and grateful that the universe brought me to this beautiful soul, which helped me with my transformational journey. Living hectic and stressful life in a busy city can make you very easily get lost in your mental and physical well-being. Maryna very gently, without me even notice how it happened, she guided me to the right path and brought to my attention that I need to start looking after myself. She explained me what was behind of my toxic relationship choices. Maryna’s personal and unique approach to my problems helped me with my panic attacks, anxiety, and depression. It’s still a long way to go but now I have confidentiality in myself and I’m developing self-love. I learned how to listen myself, my body, and my mind. I would highly recommend to everyone experience this magical transformation which will change your life forever.
Was introduced energy and healing crystals and how to use them. I really enjoyed the time Maryna spent listening to my personal stories, connecting, and understanding who I am and what I want. Her book also helps in organising your thoughts and actions in a positive way.
Wonderful experience during my stays in Hong Kong. I had several meetings with Maryna Eden. I was blown away by her kindness and openness. She listens well and has very many useful suggestions. Our sessions helped me gain confidence in myself and enjoy every single moment. I highly recommend Maryna and Eden Life Academy. Last but not least her book "LIFE CHANGING THOUGHTS". One of my favorites!!
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